It is time for female Byleth to shine in Fire Emblem Heroes.
It pains me to say it but at this point in time, subscribing to the Feh Pass is the most optimal way to play Fire Emblem Heroes.
NintendObs Daily. Friday, December 24.
Starting today, Enlightened Byleth played as a woman is this December 2021-January 2022 Legendary Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes, exactly six months after male Byleth did the honors donning this form in June-July earlier this year. But there's an even more important announcement correlating with this latest release and it's that from now on, Feh Pass subscribers are able to summon a free 5-star Hero of their choice after summoning 40 times in events such as these. The feature used to be limited to New Heroes, Revival and Legendary Hero Remix summoning events for everyone, but now Nintendo has just extended it to Special Heroes (revival excluded), Double Special Heroes and Legendary & Mythic Heroes events as a reward for the people who pay monthly to boost their Fire Emblem Heroes experience.